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Writer's pictureLeesa Watson

Brockville Surprise Proposal | Brittany + Nick

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

Guys, take note. You want to propose to the love of your life? Hire a photographer to capture that moment like Nick did!

I met Nick through a recommendation from one of my makeup artistry friends, Noahh Karam of Pretty Little You. Her best friend is Brittany, & when Nick told Noahh he was going to propose, Noahh lost her mind. When she came back to reality, she told him that she knew just the photographer to capture the moment & that it would be her gift to them - I mean, if this doesn't scream BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, I don't know what does.

Noahh messaged me with the exciting news & asked if I wanted to do it. I replied with a HELL TO THE YES I DO! I had never captured a moment so special before & I had been dying to do one! I was so excited that she thought of me & to be able to capture this for Nick & Brittany.

Nick & I chatted on & off for about 3 months. HE WAS PLANNING THIS FOR 3 MONTHS. Also note, he HAD THE RING FOR 3 MONTHS. I have no idea how he could keep it a secret that long, nor how Noahh didn't spill the beans to her best friend! When the day arrived for the proposal, Nick brought Brittany to Brockville & they spent the say walking around, eating lunch & enjoying the amazing weather. But then I showed up & we hit a little road block.

The plan was to meet on Blockhouse Island for the proposal, only when I arrived, the island was closed for a boat racing competition. I immediately emailed Nick telling him we need a back up plan. Now, I'm not from Brockville & had only been a handful of times. Good thing for Google Maps! I brought it up & saw that there was a little park beside where I was, so I told Nick to go there in stead. We thankfully found each other & the proposal went off without a hitch!

As Nick was getting ready to propose, Brittany noticed what he was doing right away & said "No no! Nick! No! Not here!!! THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE!" & I couldn't help but laugh as I was "hiding" sitting on a rock with my camera. She let him finish the little love note he wrote & read to her & she said yes! He pointed out that I was there to take photos & that I wasn't some random creep hiding in bushes & we hung out for the rest of the hour snapping away. We even got onto Blockhouse Island after they cancelled the race.

Congratulations Brittany & Nick!! I hope you have finally calmed down from all the excitement & your wedding planning goes smoothly!

On the hunt for your wedding photographer? Do you like wine? Well, hey hey hey! It's me you're looking for! Tell me all about your wedding plans! Let's get some wine! Click here!

XO Leesa

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